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Maintaining Your Martin OMJM: How to Keep Your Acoustic Guitar in Top Condition


The Martin OMJM is a high-quality acoustic guitar designed in collaboration with legendary musician John Mayer. Like any high-quality instrument, the OMJM requires proper maintenance to ensure its longevity and continued quality. In this article, we will provide tips and guidance on how to properly maintain and care for your Martin OMJM to preserve its value and quality over time. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your guitar will continue to sound great and bring you joy for years to come.

Proper maintenance is essential for any guitar, but it is especially important for a high-end instrument like the Martin OMJM. The quality of the materials and craftsmanship used in the guitar's construction demands special care and attention to maintain its performance and value. In the following sections, we will discuss the specific steps you can take to keep your Martin OMJM in top condition.

Cleaning and polishing

The Martin OMJM acoustic guitar is a beautiful and valuable instrument that requires proper maintenance to preserve its quality over time. The guitar is made with high-quality materials and construction techniques, and its unique design and sound make it a popular choice among musicians. However, without proper care and maintenance, the guitar's tone and playability can suffer. This section will provide a guide to cleaning and polishing the Martin OMJM to keep it looking and sounding its best.

When it comes to cleaning and polishing the Martin OMJM, it's important to use the right tools and materials to avoid damaging the guitar. Some of the tools you will need include a soft cloth, a guitar cleaning solution, and guitar polish. It's essential to avoid using abrasive materials or cleaning solutions that can damage the finish or hardware of the guitar.

The first step in cleaning the guitar is to remove any dirt or debris from the surface of the guitar. You can use a soft cloth to gently wipe down the guitar, being careful not to scratch the finish. Next, apply a small amount of guitar cleaning solution to another soft cloth and gently wipe down the guitar, focusing on any areas with dirt or grime buildup. Be sure to avoid getting any cleaning solution on the hardware or electronics of the guitar.

After cleaning the guitar, you can apply a guitar polish to the surface of the guitar to help protect the finish and give it a shiny appearance. Apply a small amount of polish to another soft cloth and gently rub it into the surface of the guitar in circular motions. Be sure to avoid applying too much polish, as this can cause buildup on the guitar's surface.

It's important to note that while cleaning and polishing can help keep the guitar looking its best, it's essential to avoid over-cleaning or polishing the guitar. Too much cleaning or polishing can wear down the finish or hardware over time, so it's important to be gentle and use a light touch when cleaning and polishing the guitar.

String and fretboard care

Properly caring for the strings and fretboard of your Martin OMJM is essential to maintaining its sound quality and playability. Here are some tips for string and fretboard care:

By following these tips, you can ensure that your Martin OMJM remains in excellent condition and continues to deliver exceptional sound quality.

Bridge and saddle maintenance

The bridge and saddle are important components of the Martin OMJM guitar that can affect the guitar's sound, intonation, and playability. Proper maintenance of these components is crucial to ensure the guitar's optimal performance.

One of the main concerns with the bridge and saddle is the buildup of grime, dirt, and sweat from the player's fingers. Over time, this buildup can cause the strings to become stuck or corroded, affecting the guitar's intonation and tone. To prevent this, it is recommended to clean the bridge and saddle regularly with a soft, damp cloth. Avoid using any harsh chemicals or abrasives that can damage the wood or finish.

Another issue that can arise with the bridge and saddle is the wear and tear that can occur from regular use. The saddle, in particular, can become worn down and flattened over time, causing the action to become too low and affecting the guitar's intonation. If this is the case, it may be necessary to replace the saddle with a new one. It is recommended to have this done by a professional guitar technician to ensure proper fit and alignment.

Intonation is also affected by the position of the saddle. If the saddle is not properly aligned, it can cause the guitar to sound out of tune. To adjust the intonation, the saddle must be moved slightly forward or backward, depending on the guitar's pitch at the 12th fret. This adjustment should also be done by a professional technician to avoid causing damage to the guitar.

Proper bridge and saddle maintenance is crucial to maintaining the quality and value of the Martin OMJM guitar. By keeping these components clean and properly aligned, the guitar will continue to perform at its best and provide a high-quality playing experience.

Storage and transportation

Proper storage and transportation are important to maintain the quality and value of your Martin OMJM guitar. When storing your guitar, it's important to keep it in a place with stable temperature and humidity levels. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, or humidity fluctuations. Ideally, the guitar should be stored in a case that provides good protection from environmental factors and physical damage.

Transporting the guitar requires extra care to prevent damage from impacts or vibrations. When traveling with the guitar, use a hard-shell case that provides adequate protection. If you're traveling by car, avoid leaving the guitar in the trunk or in direct sunlight, which can cause damage from heat and humidity. Instead, keep it in the passenger compartment where you can monitor the temperature and humidity levels.

When traveling by plane, always carry your guitar on as a carry-on item if possible, rather than checking it as luggage. This will minimize the risk of damage from rough handling, temperature and humidity fluctuations, and pressure changes during flight. If you must check the guitar, make sure it is packed securely in a hard-shell case and labeled as fragile.

Regardless of how you transport your guitar, always loosen the strings slightly to reduce tension on the neck and minimize the risk of damage from pressure changes. This is particularly important when traveling by plane, where pressure changes in the cargo hold can cause damage to the guitar.

Taking proper care when storing and transporting your Martin OMJM guitar can help to ensure its longevity and maintain its value over time.

Troubleshooting common issues

Even with proper maintenance, issues can arise with the Martin OMJM acoustic guitar. Here are some common issues and troubleshooting tips for addressing them:

  1. Buzzing or rattling strings: This issue can be caused by several factors, including worn frets, loose hardware, or a warped neck. Try adjusting the truss rod to straighten the neck, and tighten any loose hardware. If the issue persists, take the guitar to a professional luthier for a more thorough inspection.

  2. Tuning instability: Tuning instability can be caused by a variety of factors, including old or worn strings, improperly lubricated nut slots, or a warped neck. Replace old or worn strings, and lubricate the nut slots with graphite or another appropriate lubricant. If the issue persists, take the guitar to a professional for a more thorough inspection.

  3. High action: High action can make playing the guitar more difficult, and can be caused by several factors including a warped neck, high bridge or saddle, or worn frets. Try adjusting the truss rod or sanding the saddle down slightly to lower the action. If the issue persists, take the guitar to a professional luthier for a more thorough inspection.

  4. Cracks or other damage: Any cracks or other damage to the guitar should be addressed immediately to prevent further damage. Take the guitar to a professional luthier for repair as soon as possible.

  5. Electronics issues: If your Martin OMJM is equipped with electronics and you experience issues with sound or volume, try replacing the battery in the preamp or checking the wiring. If the issue persists, take the guitar to a professional for a more thorough inspection.

By being aware of these common issues and taking steps to address them, you can keep your Martin OMJM acoustic guitar in top condition for years to come.


Proper maintenance is key to ensuring that your Martin OMJM acoustic guitar remains in top condition for years to come. By following the tips and guidelines outlined above, you can help to prevent damage and preserve the guitar's quality and value.

In conclusion, the Martin OMJM is a high-quality instrument that deserves proper care and maintenance. Whether you're a beginner or a professional musician, taking good care of your guitar will help you to get the most out of it, both in terms of sound quality and longevity. With the right tools, materials, and techniques, you can keep your Martin OMJM looking and sounding great for years to come.

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